Having spent time as a video editor I know full well the importance of what you leave out in your communications as much as what you leave in. When clients have asked me to make a video, the natural temptation and habit is for them to ask me, ‘Ooh and can you include this, and…
Read MoreAnd, for that matter, is it necessary to mention the 3 Principles in your teaching? In my previous article I talked about finding that point where your marketing and the content of your work is seamless and complimentary. You might have experienced this already, with a blog post / FB post/ conversation that really hits…
Read More(NB read Part 1 first) This blog post could also be called ‘Finding what resonates’. That is, finding a message that resonates with you AND your audience so that you are filled with inspiration to write, to share, to do whatever it takes to get your business off the ground. On a recent coaching…
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