I love stories – that is, the real story. The humanness of the story. The emotion of your message. Creating videos which are all about feeling the real you, as if you're sending a personal message right to the heart of your clients. After all people buy from people – and video is a great way to show the real person.
I offer 'done for you' videos for your business as well as working with you to help you film yourself in a professional and impactful way. To find out more about my programmes to help you film yourself, please click here
Unlike most video producers I have also spent several years as a tv and radio journalist, and by working with you I will spend time doing the following –
- Before production starts, work with you to get to the core of your message and devise a way to deliver your story in an engaging, authentic way
- During the production process, ensuring the message is connecting with your audience – including helping you be yourself if you are presenting to camera
- During the editing phase of production, pulling out the highlights of the audio and video to really bring out the feeling and the essence of your brand.
My clients have included larger clients such as Dulux, Panasonic and Sony, a long-standing relationship with the charity Prostate Cancer UK, and a multitude of small business owners. I have been working in online video since it first emerged in 2006, and before that I was a producer on talk radio station LBC 97.3 and an investigative researcher on a variety of consumer documentaries for ITV.
So what’s your story? Let’s tell it, with feeling.
The Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme

He’art of Thriving workshops

He’art of Thriving animation

SEED at WOW Festival 2014

The Clarity Feeling animation

Sarah Phipp: Transforming Your Health

Quran for Busy People

Prostate Cancer UK Football League Partnership

Prostate Cancer Wives Campaign